School Meals
The Chichester Refectory
At Holy Trinity we have a purpose built refectory and kitchen, serving a wide variety of affordable main meals and light snacks. Our catering partners, Nourish, provide a fast, friendly service and all food is freshly cooked and prepared on the premises. The menus are usually changed on a termly basis.
To view the Nourish menu, tariff and marketing for the school please click on the Nourish logo below
Nourish Contract Catering Limited. Company number: 04953033
Registered Office: Unit 27 Metro Business Centre, Kangley Brisge Road, London, SE26 5BW
Cashless Payment System
We have a cashless payment system for our school meals. It enables us to deliver a much faster service in The Refectory and does away with the need for you to send your child into school with cash every day. It also ensures that money is spent as you intend.
If students wish to be able to purchase food and drink from The Refectory the following steps need to be completed to create an account:-
- The parent/carer must complete and sign a 'Consent Form - For The Use Of Biometric Information In School'. To link to this form click here. These forms are also available for your child to collect from ICT Support, located in room G100 or can be requested by sending an email to Details regarding the use of the Biometric system are included on the consent form.
- The consent form must be returned by the student to ICT Support (room G100) where a Biometric scan of the student's finger or thumb will be taken and an account will then be created.
The account can now be topped up using the following methods:
a) By Debit or Credit card via the school's online payment system - Tucasi Scopay. Details of which are included under the Internet Payments Using this option will allow you to both ensure that your child's lunch money is being spent in The Refectory and review your child's purchase history.
b) Cash via the revaluation machine located in the entrance to The Refectory. (See picture below.)
You can credit the account with any amount, although payments made monthly, half termly or termly are preferred.
There is a daily spending limit of £4 e.g. you may choose to credit your child's account with £30, but no more than £4 can be spent in any one day. This can be varied by a parent/carer request to the Finance Team at
To obtain a meal, students collect a tray and cutlery, select the food they require and take it to the till, where the biometric scan of their finger/thumb is taken and the account debited accordingly.
Please note the following important information regarding cashless catering at Holy Trinity:-
- It is a student's responsibility to know their current balance, as credit will not be given at The Refectory.
- Before using The Refectory students should ensure that they have sufficient funds in their account.
- Students who do not have sufficient funds on their account will not be served and will be referred to the Finance Office.
- Students should make any payments or raise queries with The Refectory before the end of break i.e. 11.30am.
Year 11 Refund Form
For the Nourish refund form for Year 11's please click here to view.
To download the form to edit and send to the kitchen, please click here to download the form.
If your child is entitled to Free School Meals they will still need to create an account as explained in points 1 & 2 above. The student will then have their Free School Meal daily allowance of (currently) £2.70 which is available to spend but DOES NOT show on a student's balance when checked. The system will then work in exactly the same way as for other students. Meals not taken will NOT carry over to the following day. Parents/carers can, if they wish, "top up" their child's account to allow for extra purchases
Free school meals are available at Holy Trinity School if you receive any of these benefits:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support from National Asylum Support Service (NASS) under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The Guaranteed element of state Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on
- Universal Credit.
You can apply on-line at:
Please be aware, if you are transferring from a school outside of the West Sussex County Council catchment area you will need to reapply to West Sussex County Council for Free School Meals.